Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.

Information Collection

For eachregistered user, we collect the consumer’s screen name, e-mail address, IPaddress, country of residence, street address, and zip code. The information wecollect is used to customize the content and/or layout of our page for eachindividual visitor and used by us to contact users regarding their account.This information is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposeswithout user consent. Unregistered users may use the portions of theAbigcan site that do not require registration. The IP addresses of these usersare stored.

In additionto personal information—as noted above—we may also collect information that isin no way personally identifiable. This may include your operating system, yourinternet browser, the domain name of your Internet service provider, and theweb sites you visit directly before and after your visit to

Online Ad Serving. Abigcan andsome of our advertisers use third-party advertising service companies to serveadvertisements when you visit our sites. Often, these third-party advertisingcompanies employ cookie, pixel tag and other technologies to measure theeffectiveness of Web and e-mail advertisement and to create a record ofinteraction with our site content that they use in conjunction with theiradvertising which appears on other sites, or for reporting web site traffic,statistics, advertisement data and/or other activities on our sites. We willalso engage third party providers to assist with the segmentation of thisdata. The specific providers we use are subject to change. As of the date of the posting of this policy, some of the current providersinclude DoubleClick and Google Analytics.

How does Abigcan use my collected information?

In order forAbigcan to maintain and operate a site that is free of charge and does notrequire user registration, we display advertisements on our web site. Theinformation you provide us is also used to help our advertisers target thespecific audience they’re trying to reach. Only, however, will have access to yourpersonally identifiable information, and you will never be contacted by anyparty other than Theonly exceptions to the foregoing are that we may disclose personallyidentifiable information (i) in response to legal process, for example, inresponse to a court order or subpoena, (ii) in response to a law enforcementagency’s request, or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent,or take actions regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situationsinvolving potential threats to the physical safety of another person,violations of our terms of use, or as otherwise required by law, or (iii) inthe event we are acquired by or merged with another company.

Other Information: Ad Serving and Abigcan. Attimes we display ads on our you visit Abigcan or view ads that we serve off of our network elsewhereon the Internet, you may see multiple kinds of ads, such as text ads next tosearch results and graphical ads shown on web pages. Sometimes these ads arebased on the content of the page on which they appear. Other times these adsare generated by matching the ad to your interests as inferred from yourbrowsing activities collected online. Either way, Abigcan tries to show yourelevant ads, and to do so, we may use information we know or receive about youlike your gender, location or interests.


Abigcan andthird-party vendors use cookies to store visitors preferences, record sessioninformation, record user-specific information on what pages users access orvisit, alert visitors to new areas that we think might be of interest to themwhen they return to our site, customize web page content based on visitors’browser type or other information that the visitor sends. If youwould prefer that we not collect anonymous data that may be used to helpdetermine which advertisements to serve you, opt out by clicking thisicon AdChoices

Editorial Policy

The contentof Abigcan’s emails is chosen completely at the discretion of the Abigcan EditorialTeam. No one can pay to change the opinions written in a Abigcan email. Sellingour editorial content would destroy the legitimacy, integrity, and fun ofAbigcan emails and would ruin the trust between Abigcan and its users. Onoccasion we will send out “sponsored” emails on behalf of our advertisers,artists, or other music related enterprises that have something special tooffer the Abigcan community, these emails will be marked as sponsored.

Accessing and Changing Your Account Information

Registeredusers can review the personal information they provided to Abigcan and make anydesired changes to the information at any time by logging in to their accountand editing the information on the account settings page. They can also closetheir account by contacting Abigcan through the contact us page. Users mayexport their reviews and ratings data at any time using the tools provided byAbigcan.

Email Opt Out

Registeredusers who have elected to receive Abigcan email can choose to opt-out at anytime by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email. Userscan also opt out from Abigcan’s email from the account section on the user’sAbigcan page. Further questions or comments regarding privacy can be directedto


We have putin place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures tosafeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security andcorrectly use the information we collect.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This PrivacyPolicy can change at any time and changes are effective upon posting. Pleasecheck back frequently for updates as it is your sole responsibility to be awareof changes. We do not provide notices of changes in any manner other than byposting the changes at this Site page.

Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.