Get Inspired by 10 Incredible Weight Loss Transformations

Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.


10 Lucas Fitzgerald lost 78 Lbs

Weighing in at 338.8 pounds, Lucas Fitzgerald knew his relationship with food was unhealthy. His typical lunch had a calorie count of 6,000, but he struggled with everyday tasks.

“I couldn’t stand up for even ten minutes when I was showering,” he said, “I needed a chair just to wash the dishes or cook.”

Lucas Fitzgerald’wife couldn’t bear it, especially considering he wasn’t like this before his marriage. So, when his wife left him, taking their daughter with her, he committed to dieting and exercising, signing up for Optavia, a coach-based health plan. Through a keto diet and daily workout, he slimmed down to 221 pounds in approximately 18 months.

“For everyone around me, I’ve become a better man, husband, father, employee, son, brother, and friend,” he said. “I’ve truly broken the chains that held me down for years – living my best life freely and taking full advantage of everything life has to offer.”

Of course, Lucas saved his marriage, and this summer, his family is planning a trip to the seaside.

Every body type deserves respect, but we can choose the right way to make our bodies healthier. Obesity is not your fault. We believe everyone can transform their lives through better body shape.


Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.

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