Get Inspired by 10 Incredible Weight Loss Transformations

Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.


03 Lillian Griffiths lost 105 Lbs

As any woman knows, losing weight isn’t just about physical health, but emotional wellness as well.

As Griffiths was “sitting still” in college, her weight kept increasing, and the situation only got worse when she started dating a “big guy”.They ordered takeout for almost every meal – pizza, Mexican burrito bowls, cheeseburgers, and fries – and rarely cooked, which brought McLaurin’s weight to 180 pounds. However, her “big guy” boyfriend broke up with her because of her weight.

“My weight started to increase due to depression and emotional abuse from my boyfriend,” she said. “We broke up, but my weight continued to rise, gaining another 35 pounds in the next two and a half years.” To break free from it, Griffiths focused on her keto diet: “I gave up almost all added sugar, and started reading labels as if it was a new hobby.” With these simple changes (and no fixed diet!), she lost 58 pounds within a year. Even better, the healthier foods she chose gave her the energy to start running again. “I gained lean muscle through running and cross-training.”

“What’s funny is, I feel more like myself now than I have in the past 30 years,” she said. “I say ‘yes’ to things now, I’ve become more outgoing, I’m more likely to socialize.”

Of course, Griffiths has now found a new boyfriend, a high-achieving MBA student, and it was even him who pursued her first.


Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.

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