Get Inspired by 10 Incredible Weight Loss Transformations

Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.


05 Ethan Montgomery lost 78 Lbs

Ethan served in the military for 11 years as a computer hardware/software specialist, and was discharged in 2005 due to thyroid cancer. Given that the thyroid controls metabolism, his doctor warned him that his life could be in danger if he didn’t slim down. But Ethan didn’t lose heart. He signed up for a cycling team through the Wounded Warrior organization in support of disabled veterans, which meant training to bike over 100 miles. He worked with a personal trainer and managed to lose over 50 pounds (nearly 30% of his body weight!) in 90 days, simultaneously building up his endurance for long-distance biking.

His best piece of advice? “Don’t let time constraints or a long to-do list keep you from exercising,” he said. “Evenings are tough for me because I’m tired, so I keep my sneakers or hiking shoes in the car, change clothes at work, then go for a walk or hike before heading home.”

Of course, according to the latest medical check-up, Ethan’s crisis has now been averted.


Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.

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