Get Inspired by 10 Incredible Weight Loss Transformations

Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.


06 Lena Autour Lost 135 Lbs

When Autour got engaged in 2016, she was thrilled to marry her long-term boyfriend, but their relationship was taking a toll on her health. After six years of fast food dinners and minimal exercise, her weight had reached 281 pounds. At 25, her knees were giving her trouble.

Also, Autour didn’t dare to buy a wedding dress that fit her size.

“I didn’t want to buy a plus-size wedding dress because they’re a lot more expensive,” she said. “I felt like I was paying this fat tax—I was unable to purchase affordable clothing because I was bigger.”

Autour and her fiancé started using Keto! together. Taking keto capsules every day and exercising, she lost 75 pounds. A year later, she began incorporating workouts into her daily life. By her wedding day in November 2018, Autour had lost 135 pounds and was able to purchase her dream dress—a size 6.

“My ideal dress in my mind was low-cut, with dramatic accents, but then I chose a long-sleeved dress, lengthening to the neck, revealing the back. I never imagined a fitted dress, but I felt great because I did it and lost weight,” she said.

Autour has been maintaining her weight loss habits. Although she’s frustrated with the loose skin she has accumulated, she tries to focus on “non-scale victories.”

“The most important thing is being able to pick things from a friend’s closet—I’ve never been able to do that before,” she said. “It’s so cool, it’s like I have a double wardrobe, which is what I always dreamed of doing in high school!”


Article published by author, not representing abigcan’s views. Authorized by abigcan.

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